måndag 5 oktober 2009

Engelska Poem inspirerad av Poe, påbörjad.

As the needle fell to the ground I saw nothing but death, perfection. The flawless plan and finally I've done it. That man, the false words coming out of his mouth. I hated it. Just a minor sight of him enraged me. Even though he was my superior, my teacher, my savior. The time had come.
It was a dark day, a day of death and horror - the day that I'd be succesful, my day. Oh, you should know how I did it, and I will tell you, tell you indeed. You should've seen me! How I poisoned his mind, how I made him believe that I'd never fool him. Slowly gaining his trust... slowly but steady.
As I was living in his house. Like a spy, hidden at day, stealthing around at night.
He was quite old, an old devil. My weapon was a needle of poison. The perfect tool. I snuck in, as silently as I could, small steps. Soundless - Perfect. I gently stuck the needle in his left arm. "Grumph" he whined. Though he did not wake up. I injected the liquid and the task was done. Soon his heart would stop, without a trace of violence. Success, I now declare myself the winner.

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